Countdown 321 To Christmas

Dock Haley Gospel Magic Company



With the help of your helper they are going to color in a black and white drawing (Which has been laminated).. From a paper bag 3 colored markers are dropped onto the table showing that the bag is now empty.

One by one the markers are placed back into the paper bag and without looking, they place their hand into the mixed up markers and remove one.

This marker is used to color the robe of the 1st Wise Man, The 2nd marker to color the 2nd Wise Man and finally the last marker to color the last Wise Man.

Also on the table back showing is another laminated picture to which your helper is told is a prediction of the outcome. On another table is the Rescue Package envelope to which you will only refer to should the finished drawing not match your prediction.

Enough to say that all ends well in more ways than one.